Wednesday, July 20, 2011



Hi Kelly;
(Please keep us anonymous)

We are a family of four and We have a home loan from Wells Fargo.  At the time of the loan approval we were denied by some other lenders due to my long term disability we were approved by Wells Fargo and we purchased our home.  I used work as an engineer but unfortunately I got sick and became disabled and I was on a long term disability when we applied and were approved for the loan. 

When our disability payments reduced we have had a further hardship and applied for a loan modification. First time application we were approved, and started making modified payments, in the mean time we have settled credit card debt for getting better on our finances using our retirement savings and help from friends and family. We have sold our cars and we have started to save from all kinds of ways.

During the next almost 2 years we have worked with Wells Fargo to get some kind of workout option. We have called back and back and sometimes did not get a response seldom got our calls returned whe we left messages. We have people tried to help our situation while some ignored us saying why don’t we leave our efforts and abandon our home.

We love our home and we want to keep our home. Now last episode We have been working with a contact person and we were on a 6 months trial which we made our payments on time. We are always on the look our for increasing our income. We wanted to try all the avenues to see if we can get some kind of a workout option otherwise we were going to explore other retention options. As of last week I submitted more documents and beginning this week Monday of July 18th when I called I got a message from our contact person that He was out of the office and while he was gone another person would be the contact person so I called that person  and he told me he was not familiar with our case he would get more information and call us back. He also said there was aforeclosure scheduled for July 20th in less than 2 days. He never called us back so Tuesday July 19, I called back this time talked to a lady and she checked our file and said our contact person is some other person.  So I asked for his extension and requested her to send him a message. I tried and tried left messages to this person, at one trial I caught him and he told us our file is in review and there is a request for postponement for the foreclosure and he would get back to us.

At the end of the day I got a voicemail from him he was telling us that there was a resolution and I can call and learn the details of resolution. I immediately called he was out of the office I called back another lady  told us We were denied and foreclosure date was set for next day yackk.

Dear Anon Yackk:

Well, this story sounds like Wells Fargo.  Except they do usually allow a few postponements of the sale date, just so they can squeeze every last possible dime out of you and every family member who may want to help you, before they foreclose.

It seems like it is always that two year mark when they start to get "serious."  I think that is when they lose some sort of "tax deduction" on your home as a "REO" or (real estate owned) piece of property if they resell it.   I might be WAY OFF on that, but that two year mark means something.

They may still work with you, do not give up.  Call EVERYBODY!!  Including the press.   They don't like the press.  See if you can get someone to cover your story.

You and your family are in my prayers.  I don't want you to lose your home.  No one should when they are really trying, when they are making their payments, and doing everything they know how to meet their obligations.

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