Lead Foreclosure Fraud Investigators Forced To Resign By Florida AG's Office. Something Smells Fishy in the Sunshine State!
Former Florida Rep. Alan Grayson explained the standard foreclosure scams last year.
Hey, speaking of crooked politicians, look what Gov. Rick Scott's minions are up to! They're getting rid of the very people who were working to hold crooked bankers and brokers responsible for Florida's massive illegal mortgage foreclosure fraud accountable. Gee, I wonder why? That doesn't make sense, does it?
A lead foreclosure fraud investigator for the state said she and a colleague were forced to resign from the Florida attorney general's office, unexpectedly ending their nearly yearlong pursuit to hold law firms and banks accountable."He has his father's eyes." -- "Rosemary's Baby."
Former Assistant Attorney General Theresa Edwards and colleague June Clarkson had been investigating the state's so-called "foreclosure mills," uncovering evidence of legal malpractice that also implicated banks and loan servicers.Despite positive performance evaluations, Edwards said the two were told during a meeting with their supervisor in late May to give up their jobs voluntarily or be let go.Edwards said no reason was given for the move."It all happened very abruptly," said Edwards, who had worked in the attorney general's office for about three years.The foreclosure investigations were launched under former Attorney General Bill McCollum, but Edwards said she sensed changes were coming under Gov. Rick Scott and Attorney General Pam Bondi."I think they wanted to put people in there that were more in line with their thinking," Edwards said.Bondi's press secretary said Tuesday that foreclosure investigations are still open and are being personally led or supervised by Division Director Richard Lawson."The division has made these investigations a top priority and will continue to actively pursue all of our investigations into foreclosure law firms," said Jennifer Krell Davis.
Uh huh. Sure you will.
Site literally posts photoshops of political adversaries with demon goat eyes. Yeah, you're on the up and up.
in context with his character, or lack thereof.
Here's what you get when you type chimpy mcChimp into google images.
posting like mad. Here's something smart people do: They stay away from websites they dislike. Because they consider it a waste of time. Stupid people do the opposite. They hang out, criticize everything, try to show how superior they are--you've got the classic case of "The food here is awful, and the portions are too small" bullshit attitude.
I'm sure you're on the up and up--typical Thug projection.
I'm sure you're on the up and up--typical Thug projection.
"The food here is awful, and the portions are too small"
This guy is a felon, Mr. teaspoon. A wide eyed, smirking felon.
Gauging from the photo, Florida elected Lurch...
Does he play the pipe organ?
Does he play the pipe organ?
"Learn to think before you learn to believe, or you’ll soon believe that you don’t have to think."
--- a wise commenter on another blog
--- a wise commenter on another blog
Why, yes, I am a card-carrying member of the ACLU
Political adversaries, piffle. If you're a criminal like this Piece of Shit, then you're fair game to mock. If he did anything decent at all in his pathetic life maybe he might get a break. Florida elected him so they have to deal with him. It's funny, he just recently talked about running for re election. Sorry Bub Beelzebub you showed your hand and you got nothing.
Couldn't have said it better, and I LIVE IN THIS 3rd world country STATE.
Before you blame all of us though remember, this state's voting system was set up by Kathrine Harris under the supervision of Jeb Bush.
Our elections would NEVER pass the smell test we give to 3rd world countries.
and celebrate the fatal automobile crashes they narrowly avoided.
Humpty Dumpty was pushed.
Al Capone would be proud of these reThuglican gangsters. This is gangster politics plain and simple.
Nah, these are religious purges. Got to clear out anyone that doesn't agree with you, otherwise you might have a challenger.
You're kidding right? Rick Scott is a felon. He weaseled his way out of going to prison, but that just makes him more of a menace to society.
don't badmouth al capone...at least he ran soup kitchens to feed the poor and hungry.
we should all realize that by now.
These fuckers just don't give a shit anymore what they look like. They have become so brazen in their corruption it is like they are standing up and screaming "Hey watch us steal everything not nailed down right in broad daylight. What you gonna do about it?"
"Nice state ya got there, folks...
Be a real shame if anything were to happen to it,,,"
"Learn to think before you learn to believe, or you’ll soon believe that you don’t have to think."
--- a wise commenter on another blog
--- a wise commenter on another blog
Why, yes, I am a card-carrying member of the ACLU
you got it angryspittle. They are not hiding it any more. They are still claiming to be religious though, and righteous, and the intellectually challenged still believe them.
Well, not righteous, but definitely religious. Just because they don't conform to your definition of "religious" does not mean they are not practicing an entirely faith-based, dogmatic form of government.
back in the '70s. This time though, he crooks sell products that people ostensibly need-- medical insurance, mortgages, rather than products people just use in excess. But this time though, the crooks don't end up in prison, but they do get elected to office...
If, as they say, there truly is no rest for the wicked, how can the Devil's workshop be filled with idle hands?
.. and it looks like all the mobsters from the 20s and 30s "went legit" after alcohol was legalized.
Immediately after prohibition was lifted Frank Nitti, Capone's successor, sold "protection" .. you don't want your shop bombed, your wife and kid terrorized or worse, you getting beaten up along with your employees .. you pay "protection."
Now they run the US health care system. Perfect protection racket. You got a body, you need medical care. Much simpler then hiring muscle to intimidate, the frailties of the human organism does the work for you. And the courts, collection agencies and bankruptcy laws are set up for you too.
And then there's the banks, the credit cards, the credit default swaps .. your old time loan shark would be green with envy ..
There is no organized crime in the US .. it's all gone legit!
Two things are infinite: the universe and human stupidity;
and I'm not sure about the universe.
and I'm not sure about the universe.
-- Albert Einstein
with torture and mass murder, other politicians are convinced that they, too, are above the law ... rod blagojevich must really confused
the trouble with our times is that the future is not what it used to be . . . paul valéry
I've seen people's eyes have that look right before they went full blown psychotic.
It's called a Psychosis. I've seen it a couple of times when i had a summer job in a mental hospital. When i working a coffee and tea bar a patient asked for an order. I could not understand what he said so i asked again. he said it again but was reacting kinda pissed off. I was like "fuck, sorry man, i just didn't hear you right". So i was getting the order.....and then he punched one of my colleagues in the face and ran off. So security had to go after him. It was an open institution so he could go anywhere.
It was fun (mainly because i did not get hit) :p
He looks like Max Headroom from the 80's MTV days, only on Meth. Just saying.
Vero et Facto
committing fraud and are stealing peoples homes when they have no right and no legitimate claim, but are doing it anyway. The government knows they are doing it illegally and will do nothing to stop it. I voted Democrat and they won't stop it. We are all severely screwed. Time to bring in that French invention made by Dr. Guillotine and start executing the pols and the mortgage presidents.
Here you Go:
"Foreclosure Fraud Investigators Allege Attorney General Fired Them For Aggressively Pursuing Banks"
by: Zaid Jilani/think progress.org
by: Zaid Jilani/think progress.org
pass to Mr Grayson-