Monday, July 18, 2011


Corporate Whistle Blower Center Urges Mortgage Loan Servicing Or Bank Foreclosure Insiders To Step Up For Potentially Huge Rewards For Wrongdoing

The Corporate Whistle Blower Center is dramatically increasing its efforts to expand its whistleblower initiative into the US mortgage servicing industry. The group says, "The US mortgage loan servicing industry is rotten to the core, and there is so much wrongdoing it almost is impossible to even comprehend. In the instance of big banks, or big loan servicing companies doing it wrong, or getting it wrong with respect to the US real estate foreclosure disaster, we think whistleblowers could be walking away with millions of dollars. What makes this mess really intriguing is unlike many other industry sectors, we may not need an executive level person to become the whistleblower. In the case of banks, or loan servicing companies all that might be needed is a assistant manager, or an individual who has to sit by and watch the wrong doing everyday. If you are one of these people we want to talk with you, and you can call us anytime at 866-714-6466." http://CorporateWhistleBlowerCenter.Com

(PRWEB) July 18, 2011
The Corporate Whistle Blower Center is expanding its efforts to assist big bank loan servicing insiders to step forward, if they possess significant proof about wrong doing, especially if it involves foreclosures, or loan modifications. The group says, "We know loan servicing employees have to sit by, and watch their big bank employer do it wrong, or do it illegally when it comes to our nations real estate foreclosure disaster, and we are saying this type of information could be worth millions in whistleblower rewards, provided the evidence is substantial, and provided this is new information, not previously disclosed." The Corporate Whistle Blower Center says, "We are one of the best branded whistleblower advocates in the United States, and our sister organization the National Mortgage Complaint Center is one of the most quoted sources in the United States on mortgage loan servicing. What this all means is we are in an extremely unique position to assist a mortgage loan servicing insider, or a major bank insider working on foreclosures, or short sales advance a possible whistleblower claim. Please call us for more information if your bank, or mortgage loan servicing company, or major bank foreclosure department is doing something wrong, or illegal." For more information mortgage loan servicing insiders, or major bank foreclosure, or short sale insiders are encouraged to contact the Corporate Whistle Blower Center anytime at 866-714-6466, or they can contact the group via their web site at http://CorporateWhistleBlowerCenter.Com
The Corporate Whistle Blower Center is saying, "If an individual wants to become a whistleblower there are some pretty basic rules. Rule number one is your proof of wrong doing has to be substantial, and easy to understand. It also has to be significant, in the millions of dollars-which for a major loan servicing operation, or a big bank is nothing. Rule number two is you keep your information to yourself. As an example if you were to go to the news media with a story about a bank foreclosure department, or major big loan servicing operation doing it wrong, illegally, or in a fraudulent manner, the public disclosure might eliminate your chances for a reward. Rule number three is do not go to the government with your information, without a solid team in your corner. This is where we come in." The group says, "If you are working for a major US bank, or loan servicing company, and there is major wrongdoing, that you can prove, we want to talk to you, and you can call us anytime at 866-714-6466." http://CorporateWhistleBlowerCenter.Com.
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