Friday, July 8, 2011

“Register refuses to accept ‘robo-signed’ documents. Hats off to you, Mr. O’Brien.

“Register refuses to accept ‘robo-signed’ documents
By Julie Manganis
Posted:06/08/2011 3:55 AM
SALEM — John O’Brien is a man on a mission.
The South Essex register of deeds, who has been on a crusade to hold major banks accountable for their role in the home mortgage crisis, is now turning his attention to what he and others say are forged mortgage documents being pumped out by lenders seeking to back up foreclosures.
Yesterday, he refused to accept two documents purportedly signed by “Linda Green” — a name that appears on nearly 300 other mortgage documents already on file at the South Essex registry and on thousands of other mortgage documents being filed around the country.
The documents are what have been referred to as “robo-signed” — generated by a Georgia-based company called Docx.
O’Brien and other registers say that Docx was set up by the banking industry to create documentation after homeowners whose mortgages were being foreclosed began going to court demanding proof that the bank seeking to foreclose on them actually owned the mortgage.”
This is a great article in that it gives a good overview of robo signing and why the practice started happening, and the groundswell of resistance to that fraud upon the court.
It may be surprising, but no other Register of Deeds in the United States has refused these forged documents, despite proof in the form of news reports and the variety of handwriting for one name. Until now.  Hats off to you, Mr. O’Brien.

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