Special Enrollment Contest
**Calling All TFT Leaders**
We are holding a Special Enrollment Contest RIGHT NOW!
-- This Contest Ends April 30th --
The TOP 10 enrollers will receive...
OVER $40,000 in Cash and Prizes!
1st Place = $20,000
2nd Place = $10,000
3rd Place = $5,000
4th Place = Apple MacBook
5th - Choice of iPad, Flat Screen TV or similar Gadget
6th - Choice of iPad, Flat Screen TV or similar Gadget
7th - Choice of iPad, Flat Screen TV or similar Gadget
8th - Choice of iPad, Flat Screen TV or similar Gadget
9th - Choice of iPad, Flat Screen TV or similar Gadget
10th - Choice of iPad, Flat Screen TV or similar Gadget
11th - 25th Place = 10 Co-op Marketing Shares (see below)
Rank Name Members Enrolled
1 The Marketer 48
2 Shaun Smith 41
3 UBIEEHQ Spain 32
4 Simon Stepsys <--- 30
5 Craig Wotton 29
6 Coach Van - Tools Team Founder 27
7 suchitra sangsen 25
8 Mike Anderson 21
9 Andrea Platner 21
10 Cheri Flaming 18
12 Austin Walsh 17
13 Linda Chatham 17
14 Magnus Haga 15
15 Trevor Chatham 15
16 Mike McKee 15
17 PayItForward4Profits Team 14
18 Rozman Shah 14
20 Mike Glaspie 13
21 Jack Sinclair 13
22 Corinda Bello 12
23 Jesse Smith 12
24 Matthew Cross 12
25 Frank Astheimer 11
26 Debra Smith-Armstrong 10
27 Johan Kloster 10
28 sheila sitzman 10
29 Anders Hørvel Larsen 9
30 Brian Michael Wealth4Everyone 8
In addition to the Cash & Prizes each winner will receive...
1. TFT Recognition & Advertising Blowout Package
This package includes marketing to dozens of online Press Releases, Network Marketing magazines, and many other featured offers both online and offline. This marketing can be branded to you or whatever business you chose (this doesn't have to be to promote That Free Thing).
2. TFT Marketing Co-op Share(s) for Life
This Includes one (1) lifetime marketing share in all future advertising co-ops. This could be worth thousands of dollars to you in future leads, sales and value promoting your business. Each member finishing in the top 10 will receive 1 lifetime share. Those Members who finish in the top 25 (11-25) will also receive 1 free share in first 5 co-op ad rotations.
*Incentive TO WIN This Contest*
The person who finishes #1 will receive a special write-up that will be featured on our company website and it will be submitted to various network marketing publications. This will be a full page ALL ABOUT YOU!
Contest Rules:
1. All enrollments must be real people that may be subject to verification.
2. Each new member must have full knowledge of their membership and personally agree to the terms and conditions of this membership.
3. Each member is expected to market ethically and if it's determined any contest winner has been spamming or has been using any illegal or unethical marketing practices then this member will be automatically ineligible and my be subject to termination.
4. All Cash & Prizes will be redeemed within 14 days immediately following the end of the contest. For the top 2 contest winners we may take up to 30 days to properly verify all information.
5. This contest is available worldwide and any active TFT member can participate.
This message is for those who need extra Money and FREE Products and Services
People are Hurting for Money and It's going to Get Worse. Get Prepared Now.
I am sending you this program called "The Free Thing" for those that need money right away. Get started making some badly needed money and receive numerous Free Products and Services and much more.
This program has a one time only cost of $25.00 and $9.95 per month. This program was designed for everyone because it is affordable for everyone worldwide to join. If you need extra money, then you can't afford to miss this. It's the best investment I've seen to help people in need.
When you join, you will be placed into a 3 x 8 Company forced Matrix which means that when you join, people will be placed under you, even if you do not sponsor them. If you do sponsor others, you will make even more money. Sponsoring others does not mean that you have to talk others into joining. It just means that you may show "The Free thing" program (your link) to others, your friends and associates. That's all. It's up to them whether they want to join or not. At least you did your part by showing them the opportunity.
In the 3 x 8 Company forced Matrix, when full, you will have received more than USD$18,000 dollars and receive more than $7,000 every month, minimum. The company pays out 75% and this program is available to people worldwide. You receive Free Travel, Free Food, Free clothes, Free electronics, Free Education, Free Life Insurance and thousands of other Free Products and Services. There is NO Way you can lose in "The Free thing" program. Some Free Products are valued at hundreds of dollars. For just $25.00 to join you really get more than your money's worth.
If you want to change your life for the better, please go to my link and join me. Go to
Kelly L. Hansen
"When injustice becomes law, resistance becomes duty"
-Thomas Jefferson
-Thomas Jefferson
"The goal of life is to open the heart to eternity before death arrives."

make sure your attorney is working for YOU!
Kelly L. Hansen
Remember, I am not yet an attorney, I am a goofy woman from Kansas with acquired knowledge that I would like to share with you. I believe two minds as determined as ours are powerful and if we endeavor to do so we will find what we need to find to keep you in your home. I do know that giving legal advice without a license to do so is breaking the law, so I must be very careful at all times to make sure you understand I am only sharing my ideas with you, and I'm sharing with you what I've seen work and what I've seen not work. I do not charge fees for any services that I provide, I simply care about you as a homeowner, I want to work with you in what I see as a project of mutual interest, to keep you and your family in your home.
ON FIRE Vigilante!
Changing WFHM Victims to VICTORIES!
33605 W. 88th Street
De Soto, KS 66018
913-529-9837 Phone
866-409-9552 Fax
33605 W. 88th Street
De Soto, KS 66018
913-529-9837 Phone
866-409-9552 Fax
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