Thursday, September 22, 2011


50 State Homestead Exemptions & Other Bankruptcy Exemptions

(Portions reprinted by permission from How to File for Chapter 7 Bankruptcy, Nolo © 2008)


Alabama Bankruptcy Law - State Exemptions

Federal bankruptcy exemptions are not available in Alabama.
Real property or mobile home to $5,000; property cannot exceed 160 acres (husband & wife may double)
75% of earned but unpaid wages; bankruptcy judge may authorize more for low-income debtors. (With respect to consumer loans, consumer credit sales, and consumer leases, 75% of weekly net earnings or 30 times the federal minimum hourly wage)
none (see wild card)
Other Property
Clothes, family pictures and family books
Wild Card
$3,000 of any personal property, except wages (husband & wife may double)

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Alaska Bankruptcy Law - State Exemptions

In Alaska, a debtor may choose State or Federal bankruptcy exemptions.

Principal residence up to $70,200 (joint owners may each claim a portion, but total can't exceed $70,200)
Weekly net earnings to $456; for sole wage earner in a household, $716; if you don't receive weekly or semi-monthly pay, can claim $1,820 in cash or liquid assets paid any month; for sole wage earner in household, $2,860
Up to $3,900 worth of one vehicle, as long as the total value of the vehicle does not exceed $26,000.
Other Property
Up to $3,900 worth of total personal property, including: clothing and household goods, books and musical instruments.
Up to $1,300 worth of jewelry.
Up to $3,640 worth of professional books, tools and implements.
Up to $1,300 of pets.
100 percent of health aids, burial plots and certain benefits.
Wild Card

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Arizona Bankruptcy Law - State Exemptions

Federal bankruptcy exemptions are not available in Arizona.
$150,000 for real property, an apartment, or mobile home you occupy to; sale proceeds exempt 18 months after sale or until new home purchased, whichever occurs first (husband & wife may not double)
75% of earned but unpaid weekly net earnings or 30 times the federal minimum hourly wage; 50% of wages for support orders; bankruptcy judge may authorize more for low-income debtors
Up to $5,000 ($10,000, if debtor is physically disabled)
Other Property
household furniture & appliances to $4,000 (see ); food and fuel to last six months; $500 of clothing; health aids (see details for more)
Wild Card

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Arkansas Bankruptcy Law - State Exemptions

In Arkansas, a debtor may choose State or Federal bankruptcy exemptions.

For married person or head of family: unlimited exemption on real or personal property used as residence to 1/4 acre in city, town, or village, or 80 acres elsewhere; if property is between 1/4 to 1 acre in city, town, or village, or 80-160 acres elsewhere, additional limit is $2,500; homestead may not exceed 1 acre in city, town, or village, or 160 acres elsewhere (husband & wife may not double)
Earned but unpaid wages due for 60 days; in no event less than $25 per week
Other Property
Clothing, wedding rings (see wild card)
Wild Card
$500 of any personal property if married or head of family; $200 if not married

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California Bankruptcy Law - State Exemptions

Federal bankruptcy exemptions are not available in California.
Real or personal property you occupy including mobile home, boat, stock cooperative, community apartment, planned development, or condo to $75,000 if single & not disabled; $100,000 for families if no other member has a homestead (if only one spouse files, may exempt one-half of amount if home held as community property and all of amount if home held as tenants in common); $175,000 if 65 or older, or physically or mentally disabled; $175,000 if 55 or older, single, & gross annual income under $15,000 or married & gross annual income under $20,000 & creditors seek to force the sale of your home; forced sale proceeds received exempt for 6 months after; separated but married debtor may claim homestead in community property still occupied by other spouse. (Husband & wife may not double)
Minimum 75% of wages paid within 30 days prior to filing
Motor vehicles to $2,725, or $2,725 in auto insurance for loss or damages (husband and wife may not double)
Other Property
Jewelry, heirlooms & art to $7,175 total (husband and wife may not double)Health aids
Building materials to repair or improve home to $2,875 (husband and wife may not double)
Tools, implements, materials, instruments, uniforms, books, furnishings, & equipment to $7,175 total ($14,350 total if used by both spouses in same occupation); amount of exemption for commercial motor vehicle not to exceed $4,850 ($9,700 if used by debtor and spouse in same trade)
Wild Card
None (use federal non-bankruptcy wage exemption)

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Colorado Bankruptcy Law - State Exemptions

Federal bankruptcy exemptions are not available in Colorado.
Real property, mobile home, manufactured home, or house trailer you occupy to $60,000; $90,000 if owner, spouse, or dependent is disabled or age 60 or older; sale proceeds exempt 2 years after received (husband & wife may double)
Minimum 75% of weekly net earnings or 30 times the federal or state minimum wage, whichever is greater, including pension and insurance payments
Motor vehicles or bicycles used for work to $5,000; to $10,000 if used by a debtor or by a dependent who is disabled or age 60 or older
Other Property
Clothing to $1,500
Food & fuel to $600
Health aids
Household goods to $3,000
Jewelry & articles of adornment to $2,000
Family pictures & books to $1,500 
Wild Card

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Connecticut Bankruptcy Law - State Exemptions

In Connecticut, a debtor may choose State or Federal bankruptcy exemptions.

Owner occupied real property, co-op or mobile manufactured home, to $75,000 (husband & wife may double); applies only to claims arising after 1993, but to $125,000 in the case of a money judgment arising out of services provided at a hospital.
Minimum 75% of earned but unpaid weekly disposable earnings, or 40 times the state or federal hourly minimum wage, whichever is greater
Other Property
Wedding & engagement rings
Appliances, food, clothing, furniture, bedding
Health aids needed
Transfers to a nonprofit debt adjuster
Wild Card
$1,000 of any property

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Delaware Bankruptcy Law - State Exemptions

Federal bankruptcy exemptions are not available in Delaware.
Equity in real property or equity in a manufactured home that is debtors principal residence not to exceed $75,000 in 2010, $100,000 in 2011, and $125,000 in 2012;
$125,000 for persons totally disabled from working or married persons where at least one of the spouses is 65 years old or older. (joint filers may not double)
85% of earned but unpaid wages
Vehicle necessary for purposes of employment to $15,000 each
Other Property
$25,000 (maximum) for any personal property and/or equity in real property, other than the debtor's principal residence
Tools of trade up to $15,000.
Wild Card
$500 of any personal property, except tools of trade, if head of family

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District of Columbia Bankruptcy Law - State Exemptions

In District of Columbia, a debtor may choose State or Federal bankruptcy exemptions.

Any property used as a residence or co-op that debtor or debtor's dependent uses as a residence
Minimum 75% of earned but unpaid wages, pension payments; bankruptcy judge may authorize more for low-income debtors
Nonwage (including pension & retirement) earnings to $200/mo for head of family; else $60/mo for a maximum of two months
Other Property
Appliances, books, clothing, household furnishings, and goods, musical instruments, pets to $425 per item or $8,625 total
All family pictures; and all the family library, to $400
Wild Card
Up to $850 in any property, plus up to $8,075 of unused homestead exemption

more District of Columbia Bankruptcy Exemptions...

Florida Bankruptcy Law - State Exemptions

Federal bankruptcy exemptions are not available in Florida.
Real or personal property including mobile or modular home to unlimited value; cannot exceed half acre in municipality or 160 acres elsewhere; spouse or child of deceased owner may claim homestead exemption (husband & wife may double)
100% of wages for heads of family up to $500 per week either unpaid or paid and deposited into bank account for up to 6 months
Motor vehicle to $1,000
Other Property
Any personal property to $1,000 (husband & wife may double)
$4,000 of any personal property in lieu of homestead exemption. This exemption does not apply to a debt owed for child support or spousal support.
Health aids
Wild Card
See personal property

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Georgia Bankruptcy Law - State Exemptions

Federal bankruptcy exemptions are not available in Georgia.
Real or personal property, including co-op, used as residence to $10,000 ($20,000 if married, and the property is solely owned by one spouse); up to $5,000 of unused portion of homestead may be applied to any property
Minimum 75% of earned but unpaid weekly disposable earnings, or 40 times the state or federal hourly minimum wage, whichever is greater, for private & federal workers; bankruptcy judge may authorize more for low-income debtors
Motor vehicles to $3,500
Other Property
Animals, crops, clothing, appliances, books, furnishings, household goods, musical instruments to $300 per item, $5,000 total
Jewelry to $500
Health aids
Wild Card
Unused portion of homestead exemption to $5,000
$600 of any property

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Hawaii Bankruptcy Law - State Exemptions

In Hawaii, a debtor may choose State or Federal bankruptcy exemptions.

Head of family or over 65 to $30,000; all others to $20,000; property cannot exceed 1 acre; sale proceeds exempt for 6 months after sale (husband & wife may not double)
Unpaid wages due for services of past 31 days
Motor vehicle to wholesale value of $2,575
Other Property
Jewelry, watches, & articles of adornment to $1,000
100% of Appliances & furnishings, Books & Clothing used by debtor and family
100% of Tools, implements, books, instruments, uniforms, furnishings, fishing boat, nets, motor vehicle, & other property needed for livelihood
Wild Card

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Idaho Bankruptcy Law - State Exemptions

Federal bankruptcy exemptions are not available in Idaho.
Real property or mobile home to $100,000; sale proceeds exempt for 6 months (husband and wife may not double)
Minimum 75% of earned but unpaid weekly disposable earnings, or 30 times the federal hourly minimum wage, whichever is greater; pension payments; bankruptcy judge may authorize more for low-income debtors
Other Property
Appliances, furnishings, books, clothing, pets, musical instruments, 1 firearm, family portraits, & sentimental heirlooms to $750 per item, $7,500 total
Building materials
Crops cultivated on maximum of 50 acres, to $1,000; water rights to 160 inches
Health aids
Jewelry to $1,000
Tools of trade to $2,500
Wild Card
$800 in any tangible personal property

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Illinois Bankruptcy Law - State Exemptions

Federal bankruptcy exemptions are not available in Illinois.
Real or personal property including a farm, lot, & buildings, condo, co-op, or mobile home to $15,000 (husband and wife may double); sale proceeds exempt for 1 year
Minimum 85% of earned but unpaid weekly wages or 45 times the federal minimum hourly wage; bankruptcy judge may authorize more for low-income debtors
Other Property
See Wild Card
Bible, family pictures, schoolbooks, & clothing
Health aids
Implements, books, & tools of trade to $1,500
Wild Card
$4,000 of any personal property (does not include wages)

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Indiana Bankruptcy Law - State Exemptions

Federal bankruptcy exemptions are not available in Indiana.
Real or personal property used as residence to $17,600 (husband and wife may double); 
Property held as tenancy by the entirety may be exempt against debts incurred by only one spouse
Minimum 75% of earned but unpaid weekly disposable earnings, or 30 times the federal hourly minimum wage; bankruptcy judge may authorize more for low-income debtors
No specific exemption
Other Property
Health aids
$350 of any intangible personal property, except money owed to you
Health or medical savings accounts under state or federal law.
Education or college savings accounts under IRC 529 or 530, contributions made at least 1 year before filing.
Wild Card
$9,350 of any real estate or tangible personal property

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Iowa Bankruptcy Law - State Exemptions

Federal bankruptcy exemptions are not available in Iowa.
Real property or an apartment to an unlimited value; property cannot exceed 1/2 acre in town or city, 40 acres elsewhere (husband & wife may not double)
Expected annual earnings Amount NOT exempt per year
$0 to $12,000 -- $250
$12,000 to $16,000 -- $400
$16,000 to $24,000 -- $800
$24,000 to $35,000 -- $1,000
$35,000 to $50,000 -- $2,000
More than $50,000 -- 10%
Not exempt from spousal or child support
Other Property
Clothing & its storage containers, household furnishings, appliances, musical instruments, and other personal property to $7,000
Bibles, books, portraits, pictures, & paintings to $1,000 total
Rifle or musket; shotgun
Wedding or engagement rings, limited to $7,000 if purchased after the date of marriage and less than two prior to years of filing.
Wild Card
$1,000 of any personal property, including cash

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Kansas Bankruptcy Law - State Exemptions

Federal bankruptcy exemptions are not available in Kansas.
Real property or mobile home you occupy or intend to occupy to unlimited value; property cannot exceed 1 acre in town or city, 160 acres on farm
Minimum 75% of disposable weekly wages or 30 times the federal minimum hourly wage per week, whichever is greater; bankruptcy judge may authorize more for low-income debtors
$20,000; if designed or equipped for disabled person, no limit
Other Property
Furnishings & household equipment
Clothing to last 1 year
Food & fuel to last 1 year
Jewelry & articles of adornment to $1,000
Tools of trade: Books, documents, furniture, instruments, equipment, breeding stock, seed, grain, & stock to $7,500 total
Wild Card

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Kentucky Bankruptcy Law - State Exemptions

In Kentucky, a debtor may choose State or Federal bankruptcy exemptions.

Real or personal property used as residence to $5,000; sale proceeds exempt
Minimum 75% of disposable weekly earnings or 30 times the federal minimum hourly wage per week, whichever is greater; bankruptcy judge may authorize more for low-income debtors
Other Property
Burial plot to $5,000, in lieu of homestead
Clothing, jewelry, articles of adornment, & furnishings to $3,000 total
Wild Card
$1,000 of any property

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Louisiana Bankruptcy Law - State Exemptions

Federal bankruptcy exemptions are not available in Louisiana.
Property you occupy to $25,000 (if debt is result of catastrophic or terminal illness or injury, limit is full value of property as of 1 year before filing); cannot exceed 5 acres in city or town, 200 acres elsewhere (husband & wife may not double)
Minimum 75% of disposable weekly earnings or 30 times the federal minimum hourly wage per week, whichever is greater; bankruptcy judge may authorize more for low-income debtors
$7,500 of equity in a motor vehicle modified for disability
Other Property
Arms, military accoutrements; bedding; dishes, glassware, utensils, silverware (nonsterling); clothing, family portraits, musical instruments; bedroom, living room, & dining room furniture; poultry, 1 cow, household pets; heating & cooling equipment, refrigerator, freezer, stove, washer & dryer, iron, sewing machine
Engagement & wedding rings to $5,000
Wild Card

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Maine Bankruptcy Law - State Exemptions

Federal bankruptcy exemptions are not available in Maine.
Real or personal property (including cooperative) used as residence to $47,500; if debtor has minor dependents in residence, to $95,000; if debtor over age 60 or physically or mentally disabled, $95,000 (joint debtors in this category may double); proceeds of sale exempt for six months
None (use federal nonbankruptcy wage exemption)
Other Property
Animals, crops, musical instruments, books, clothing, furnishings, household goods, appliances to $200 per item
Food to last 6 months
Fuel not to exceed 10 cords of wood, 5 tons of coal, or 1,000 gal. of heating oil
Jewelry to $750; no limit for one wedding & one engagement ring
Several tools of trade exemptions (see more..)
Wild Card
$400, in any property
Unused portion of exemption in homestead to $6,000; or unused exemption in animals, crops, musical instruments, books, clothing, furnishings, household goods, appliances, tools of the trade, & personal injury recoveries

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Maryland Bankruptcy Law - State Exemptions

Federal bankruptcy exemptions are not available in Maryland.
Owner occupied residential property to $21,625 (husband and wife may not double)
Property held as tenancy by the entirety is exempt against debts owed by only one spouse
Earned but unpaid wages, the greater of 75% or $145 per week; in Kent, Caroline, & Queen Anne's of Worcester Counties, the greater of 75% or 30 times federal minimum hourly wage
none (see Wild Card)
Other Property
Appliances, furnishings, household goods, books, pets, & clothing to $1000 total Clothing, books, tools, instruments, & appliances needed for trade or profession to $5,000
Wild Card
$6,000 of cash or any personal property; must claim exemption within 30 days of levy or attachment 
An additional $5,000 in any personal property

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Massachusetts Bankruptcy Law - State Exemptions

In Massachusetts, a debtor may choose State or Federal bankruptcy exemptions.

Automatic homestead $125,000; Declared homestead $500,000 for property you occupy or intend to occupy (including mobile home); (co-owners may not double) (special rules if over 62 or disabled, may double to 1,000,00).
85% of gross wages OR 50 times minimum wage per week
$7,500; $15,000 if used by elderly or disabled debtor
Other Property
Beds & bedding; heating unit; clothing
Bibles & books to $200 total; sewing machine to $200
Cash for fuel, heat, water, or light to $75 per month
Cash to $200/month for rent, in lieu of homestead
2 cows, 12 sheep, 2 swine, 4 tons of hay
Food or cash for food to $300
Furniture to $3,000;
Trust company, bank, or credit union deposits to $500
Wild Card
up to $1,000 plus up to $5,000 unused about of exemptions for automobile, household furnishings, and tools of trade

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Michigan Bankruptcy Law - State Exemptions

In Michigan, a debtor may choose State or Federal bankruptcy exemptions.

Real property including condo to $35,300, $52,925 if elderly or disabled; property cannot exceed 1 lot in town, village, city, or 40 acres elsewhere; spouse or children of deceased owner may claim homestead exemption. Spouses or unmarried co-owners may not double.
Head of household may keep 60% of earned but unpaid wages (no less than $15/week), plus $2/week per nonspouse dependent; if not head of household may keep 40% (no less than $10/week)
Other Property
Appliances, utensils, books, furniture, & household goods, to $550 each, to $3,525 total
Building & loan association shares to $1,175 par value, in lieu of homestead
Clothing; family pictures
1 computer & accessories to $600
Crops, farm animals, and feed for the farm animals to $2,350
Food & fuel to last family for 6 months
Church pew, slip, seat for entire family to $600
Household pets to $600
Professionally prescribed health aids
Tools, implements, materials, stock, apparatus, or other things needed to carry on occupation to $2,350 total
Wild Card

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Minnesota Bankruptcy Law - State Exemptions

In Minnesota, a debtor may choose State or Federal bankruptcy exemptions.

Home and land on which it is situated to $360,000; if homestead is used for agricultural purposes, $900,000; cannot exceed 1/2 acre in city, 160 acres elsewhere (husband & wife may not double)
Wages, paid within 6 mos. of returning to work, after receiving welfare or after incarceration; includes earnings deposited in a financial institution in the last 60 days
Minimum 75% of weekly disposable earnings or 40 times federal minimum hourly wage, whichever is greater
$4,400 (up to $44,000 if vehicle has been modified for disability)
Other Property
Appliances, furniture, jewelry, radio, phonographs, & TV to $9,900 total
Bible and books
Clothing, one watch, food, & utensils for family
Farm machines, implements, livestock, produce, & crops to $13,000 total
Tools, machines, instruments, stock in trade, furniture, & library to $11,500 total
Total value of Tools of Trade and Farm Machines combined cannot exceed $13,000
Wild Card

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Mississippi Bankruptcy Law - State Exemptions

Federal bankruptcy exemptions are not available in Mississippi.
Property you own & occupy to $75,000; if over 60 and married or widowed may claim a former residence; property cannot exceed 160 acres; sale proceeds exempt
Mobile home (as personal property) to $30,000 (Mobile home does not qualify as homestead unless you own land on which it is located)
Earned but unpaid wages owed for 30 days; after 30 days, minimum 75% of earned but unpaid weekly disposable earnings, or 30 times the federal hourly minimum wage, whichever is greater (bankruptcy judge may authorize more for low-income debtors)
No specific exemption
Other Property
Tangible personal property to $10,000: any items worth less than $200 each; furniture, dishes, kitchenware, household goods, appliances, 1 radio & 1 TV, 1 firearm, 1 lawnmower, clothing, wedding rings, motor vehicles, tools of the trade, books, crops, health aids, domestic animals (does not include works of art, antiques, jewelry, or electronic entertainment equipment)
Wild Card
$50,000 of any property, whether real, personal or mixed, tangible or intangible, including deposits of money, available to any Mississippi resident who is 70 years of age or older.

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Missouri Bankruptcy Law - State Exemptions

Federal bankruptcy exemptions are not available in Missouri.
Real property to $15,000 or mobile home to $5,000 (joint owners may not double)
Minimum 75% of weekly earnings (90% of weekly earnings for head of family), or 30 times the federal minimum hourly wage, whichever is more; bankruptcy judge may authorize more for low-income debtors
Wages of servant or common laborer to $90
Motor vehicle to $3,000
Other Property
Appliances, household goods, furnishings, clothing, books, crops, animals, & musical instruments to $3,000 total
Health aids
Wedding ring to 1,500, other jewelry to $500
Implements, books, & tools of trade to $3,000 
Wild Card
$1,250 of any property if head of family, else $600; head of family may claim additional $350 per child.

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Montana Bankruptcy Law - State Exemptions

Federal bankruptcy exemptions are not available in Montana.
Real property or mobile home you occupy to $250,000; sale, condemnation, or insurance proceeds exempt for 18 months 
Must record homestead declaration before filing for bankruptcy
Minimum 75% of earned but unpaid weekly disposable earnings, or 30 times the federal hourly minimum wage, whichever is greater; bankruptcy judge may authorize more for low-income debtors
Other Property
Appliances, household furnishings, goods, animals with feed, crops, musical instruments, books, firearms, sporting goods, clothing, & jewelry to $600 per item, $4,500 total
Implements, books, & tools of trade to $3,000 25-13-609(3) Uniforms, arms, accoutrements needed to carry out government functions
Wild Card

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Nebraska Bankruptcy Law - State Exemptions

Federal bankruptcy exemptions are not available in Nebraska.
$60,000 for married debtor or head of household; cannot exceed 2 lots in city or village, 160 acres elsewhere; sale proceeds exempt 6 months after sale (husband & wife may not double)
Minimum 85% of earned but unpaid weekly disposable earnings or pension payments for head of family; minimum 75% of earned but unpaid weekly disposable earnings, or 30 times the federal hourly minimum wage, whichever is greater, for all others; bankruptcy judge may authorize more for low-income debtors
Motor vehicle if used to commute to work (as part of $2,400 tools of trade exemption)
Other Property
Furniture, household goods & appliances, household electronics, personal computers, books, & musical instruments to $1,500
Equipment or tools including a vehicle used in/or for commuting to principal place of business to $2,400 (husband & wife may double)
Wild Card
$2,500 of any personal property, except wages, in lieu of homestead

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Nevada Bankruptcy Law - State Exemptions

Federal bankruptcy exemptions are not available in Nevada.
Real property or mobile home to $550,000 (husband & wife may not double)
Must record homestead declaration before filing for bankruptcy
Minimum 75% of disposable weekly earnings or 50 times the federal minimum hourly wage per week, whichever is more; bankruptcy judge may authorize more for low-income debtors
Motor vehicle to $15,000; no limit on vehicle equipped for disabled person
Other Property
One gun
Appliances, household goods, furniture, electronics, clothing, home & yard equipment owned by debtor or dependent of debtor to $12,000 total
Books, works of art, musical instruments and jewelry to $5,000 
Wild Card

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New Hampshire Bankruptcy Law - State Exemptions

In New Hampshire, a debtor may choose State or Federal bankruptcy exemptions.

Real property or manufactured housing (and the land it's on if you own it) to $100,000
50 times the federal minimum hourly wage per week
Motor vehicle to $4,000
Other Property
Beds, bedding, & cooking utensils
Furniture to $3,500
Bibles & books to $800
Church pew
Cooking & heating stoves, refrigerator
1 cow, 6 sheep & their fleece, 4 tons of hay
Jewelry to $500
1 hog or pig or its meat (if slaughtered)
Domestic fowl to $300
Food & fuel to $400
Yoke of oxen or horse needed for farming or teaming
Tools of your occupation to $5,000
Wild Card
$1,000 of any property

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New Jersey Bankruptcy Law - State Exemptions

In New Jersey, a debtor may choose State or Federal bankruptcy exemptions.

None, but survivorship interest of a spouse in property held as tenancy by the entirety is exempt from creditors of a single spouse
90% of earned but unpaid wages if annual income under 250% of the poverty level for family size; 75% if annual income is more than that amount
Wages or allowances received by military personnel
no specific exemption
Other Property
Personal property & possessions of any kind, stock or interest in corporations to $1,000 total
Furniture & household goods to $1,000
Wild Card
None (see personal property)

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New Mexico Bankruptcy Law - State Exemptions

In New Mexico, a debtor may choose State or Federal bankruptcy exemptions.

$60,000 (joint owners may double)
Minimum 75% of disposable earnings or 40 times the federal hourly minimum wage, whichever is more; bankruptcy judge may authorize more for low-income debtors
Motor vehicle to $4,000
Other Property
Books & furniture
Building materials
Jewelry to $2,500
Materials, tools & machinery to dig, drill, complete, operate, or repair oil line, gas well, or pipeline
Tools of trade $1,500
Wild Card
$500 of any personal property

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New York Bankruptcy Law - State Exemptions

In New York, a debtor may choose State or Federal bankruptcy exemptions.

Real property including co-op, condo, or mobile home, to $150,000 for the counties of Kings, New York, Queens, Bronx, Richmond, Nassau, Suffolk, Rockland, Westchester, and Putnam; $125,000 for the counties of Dutchess, Albany, Columbia, Orange, Saratoga, and Ulster; $75,000 for the remaining counties in the state. (husband & wife may double)
90% of earned but unpaid wages received within 60 days before & anytime after filing
100% of pay of noncommissioned officer, private, or musician in U.S. or N.Y. state armed forces
Motor vehicle to $4,000. $10,000 if vehicle equipped for a disabled person (husband & wife may double)
Other Property
Clothing, furniture, refrigerator, TV, radio, computer and cell phone, crockery, cooking utensils & tableware, dishes necessary for family;
Stoves and home heating equipment with fuel to last 120 days;
Wedding ring, jewelry and art to $1,000;
Religious texts, schoolbooks, other books to $500;
Church pew or seat;
Domestic animal with food to last 120 days, to $1,000;
(NY CPLR § 5205)

In bankruptcy, these personal property exemptions claimed under NY CPLR § 5205 may not exceed $10,000 total (including tools of trade & limited annuity) (NY DEBT & CRED § 282)
Wild Card
$1,000 if no homestead claimed

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North Carolina Bankruptcy Law - State Exemptions

Federal bankruptcy exemptions are not available in North Carolina.
Real or personal property, including co-op, used as residence to $35,000 (husband and wife may double) ($60,000 if 65 or older and spouse is deceased); up to $5,000 of unused portion of homestead may be applied to any property
Earned but unpaid wages received 60 days before filing for bankruptcy, needed for support
Motor vehicle to $3,500
Other Property
Animals, crops, musical instruments, books, clothing, appliances, household goods & furnishings to $5,500 total; may add $1,000 per dependent, up to $4,000 total additional (all property must have been purchased at least 90 days before filing)
Implements, books, & tools of trade to $2,000

Wild Card
$5,000 less any amount claimed for homestead or burial exemption, of any property 
$500 of any personal property

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North Dakota Bankruptcy Law - State Exemptions

Federal bankruptcy exemptions are not available in North Dakota.
Real property, house trailer, or mobile home to $100,000 (husband & wife may not double)
Minimum 75% of disposable weekly earnings or 40 times the federal minimum wage, whichever is more; bankruptcy judge may authorize more for low-income debtors
Motor vehicle to $2,950 or $32,000 for vehicle that has been modified to accommodate owner's disability
Other Property
1. All debtors may exempt: Bible, schoolbooks; other books
Burial plots, church pew;
Wearing apparel to $5,000, and all clothing of the debtor & debtor's family
Family pictures ;
Crops or grain raised by debtor on 160 acres where debtor resides; 28-22-02(8)
Food & fuel to last 1 year
Insurance proceeds for exempt property, if held in cash or invested in other exempt property
Motor vehicle to $2,950 or $32,000 for vehicle that has been modified to accommodate owner's disability 28-22-03.1(2)
Personal injury recoveries to $7,500
Wrongful death recoveries to $7,500 
Wild Card
$7,500 of any property in lieu of homestead 
Head of household not claiming crops or grain may claim $7,500 of any personal property
Non-head of household not claiming crops or grain may claim $3,750 of any personal property

more North Dakota Bankruptcy Exemptions...

Ohio Bankruptcy Law - State Exemptions

Federal bankruptcy exemptions are not available in Ohio.
Real or personal property used as residence to $21,625
Minimum 75% of disposable weekly earnings or 40 times the federal hourly minimum wage, whichever is higher; bankruptcy judge may authorize more for low-income debtors
Motor vehicle to $3,450
Other Property
Animals, crops, books, musical instruments, appliances, household goods, furnishings, firearms, hunting & fishing equipment to $525 per item; jewelry to $1,450 for 1 or more items; $11,525 total.
Beds, bedding, clothing to $200 per item
Cash, money due within 90 days, tax refund, bank, security, & utility deposits to $400 total (husband & wife may double)
Cooking unit & refrigerator to $300 each
Implements, books, & tools of trade to $2,175 
Wild Card
$1,175 of any property

more Ohio Bankruptcy Exemptions...

Oklahoma Bankruptcy Law - State Exemptions

Federal bankruptcy exemptions are not available in Oklahoma.
Real property or manufactured home to unlimited value; property cannot exceed 1 acre in city, town, or village, or 160 acres elsewhere; $5,000 limit if more than 25% of total sq. ft. area used for business purposes; okay to rent homestead as long as no other residence is acquired
75% of wages earned in 90 days before filing bankruptcy; bankruptcy judge may allow more if you show hardship
Motor vehicle to $7,500
Other Property

Books, portraits, & pictures
Clothing to $4,000
Household & kitchen furniture, personal computer & related equipment
Livestock for personal or family use: 5 dairy cows & calves under 6 months; 100 chickens; 20 sheep; 10 hogs; 2 horses, bridles, & saddles; forage & feed to last 1 year
Guns for household use to $2,000
Wedding and anniversary rings to $3,000
Wild Card

more Oklahoma Bankruptcy Exemptions...

Oregon Bankruptcy Law - State Exemptions

Federal bankruptcy exemptions are not available in Oregon.
Real property, mobile home or houseboat you occupy or intend to occupy to $40,000 ($50,000 for joint owners); property cannot exceed 1 block in town or city or 160 acres elsewhere; sale proceeds exempt 1 year from sale, if you intend to purchase another home
75% of disposable wages or $170 per week, whichever is greater; bankruptcy judge may authorize more for low-income debtors
Motor vehicle to $3,000 (husband & wife may double)
Other Property
Clothing, jewelry, & other personal items to $1,800 total (husband & wife may double)
Bank deposits to $7,500; cash for sold exempt property
Books, pictures, & musical instruments to $600 total (husband & wife may double)
Domestic animals, poultry, & pets to $1,000 plus food to last 60 days
Furniture, household items, utensils, radios, & TVs to $3,000 total
Pistol; rifle or shotgun (owned by person over 16) to $1,000
Wild Card
$400 of any personal property not already covered by existing exemption (husband & wife may double)

more Oregon Bankruptcy Exemptions...

Pennsylvania Bankruptcy Law - State Exemptions

In Pennsylvania, a debtor may choose State or Federal bankruptcy exemptions.

None; however, property held as tenancy by the entirety may be exempt against debts owed by only one spouse
Earned but unpaid wages
Other Property
Bibles & schoolbooks
Military uniforms & accoutrements
Sewing machines
Wild Card
$300 of any property, including cash, real property, securities, or proceeds from sale of exempt property

more Pennsylvania Bankruptcy Exemptions...

Rhode Island Bankruptcy Law - State Exemptions

In Rhode Island, a debtor may choose State or Federal bankruptcy exemptions.

$300,000 in land & buildings you occupy or intend to occupy as a principal residence (husband & wife may not double)
Earned but unpaid wages to $50
Earned but unpaid wages due military member on active duty
Earned but unpaid wages due seaman
Wages of any person who had been receiving public assistance are exempt for 1 year after going off of relief
Wages of spouse & minor children
Motor vehicles to $12,000
Other Property
Beds, bedding, furniture, household goods, & supplies, to $9,600 total (husband & wife may not double)
Bibles & books to $300
Consumer cooperative association holdings to $50
Jewelry to $2,000
Working tools to $1,500
Library of practicing professional
Wild Card

more Rhode Island Bankruptcy Exemptions...

South Carolina Bankruptcy Law - State Exemptions

Federal bankruptcy exemptions are not available in South Carolina.
Real property, including co-op, to $53,375 (joint owners may double)
None (use federal nonbankruptcy wage exemption)
Motor vehicle to $5,350
Other Property
Jewelry to $1,075
Animals, crops, appliances, books, clothing, household goods, furnishings, musical instruments to $4,275 total
Burial plot to $50,000, in lieu of homestead (joint owners may double)
Cash & other liquid assets to $5,350, in lieu of burial or homestead exemption
Implements, books, & tools of trade to $1,600
Wild Card
Up to $5,350 for any property, from unused exemptions amounts for homestead, burial, motor vehicle, personal property, jewelry or tool of trade exemptions.

more South Carolina Bankruptcy Exemptions...

South Dakota Bankruptcy Law - State Exemptions

Federal bankruptcy exemptions are not available in South Dakota.
Real property to unlimited value or mobile home (larger than 240 sq. ft. at its base and registered in state at least 6 months before filing) to unlimited value; property cannot exceed 1 acre in town or 160 acres elsewhere; sale proceeds to $30,000 ($170,000 if over age 70 or widow or widower who hasn't remarried) exempt for 1 year after sale (husband & wife may not double)
Earned wages owed 60 days before filing bankruptcy, needed for support of family
no specific exemption
Other Property
Bible, schoolbooks; other books to $200
Burial plots, church pew
Family pictures
Food & fuel to last 1 year
Wild Card
Head of family may claim $6,000, or nonhead of family may claim $4,000 of any personal property

more South Dakota Bankruptcy Exemptions...

Tennessee Bankruptcy Law - State Exemptions

Federal bankruptcy exemptions are not available in Tennessee.
$5,000; $7,500 for joint owners; $25,000 if at least one dependent is a minor child. (if 62 or older, 12,500 if single; $20,000 if married; $25,000 if spouse is also 62 or older)
Minimum 75% of disposable weekly earnings or 30 times the federal minimum hourly wage, whichever is more, plus $2.50 per week per child; bankruptcy judge may authorize more for low-income debtors
no specific exemption
Other Property
$10,000 of any personal property including deposits on account with any bank or financial institution
Clothing & storage containers
Burial plots to 1 acre
Bible, schoolbooks, family pictures, & portraits
Wild Card
See personal property

more Tennessee Bankruptcy Exemptions...

Texas Bankruptcy Law - State Exemptions

In Texas, a debtor may choose State or Federal bankruptcy exemptions.

Unlimited; property cannot exceed 10 acres in town, village, city or 100 acres (200 for families) elsewhere; sale proceeds exempt for 6 months after sale (renting okay if another home not acquired, Prop. 41.003) 
Must file homestead declaration, or court will file it for you and charge you for doing so
Unpaid commissions not to exceed 25% of total personal property exemptions
1 two-, three- or four-wheeled motor vehicle per family member or per single adult who holds a driver's license; or, if not licensed, who relies on someone else to operate vehicle
Other Property
Clothing & food
Home furnishings including family heirlooms
Jewelry (limited to 25% of total exemption)
Pets & domestic animals plus their food: 2 horses, mules, or donkeys & tack; 12 head of cattle; 60 head of other livestock; 120 fowl
Health aids (exempt from total)
Tools, equipment (includes boat & motor vehicles used in trade), & books
Wild Card

more Texas Bankruptcy Exemptions...

Utah Bankruptcy Law - State Exemptions

Federal bankruptcy exemptions are not available in Utah.
Real property, mobile home, or water rights to $20,000 if primary residence; $5,000 if not primary residence (joint owners may double)
Minimum 75% of disposable weekly earnings or 30 times the federal hourly minimum wage, whichever is more; bankruptcy judge may authorize more for low-income debtors
Motor vehicle to $2,500
Other Property
Animals, books, & musical instruments to $500
Artwork depicting, or done by, a family member
Bed, bedding, carpets
Clothing (cannot claim furs or jewelry)
Dining & kitchen tables & chairs to $500
Food to last 12 months
Health aids
Heirlooms to $500
Refrigerator, freezer, microwave, stove, sewing machine, washer & dryer
Sofas, chairs, & related furnishings to $500
Wild Card

more Utah Bankruptcy Exemptions...

Vermont Bankruptcy Law - State Exemptions

In Vermont, a debtor may choose State or Federal bankruptcy exemptions.

Real property or mobile home to $75,000; may also claim rents, issues, profits, & out-buildings (husband and wife may double)
Minimum 75% of weekly disposable earnings or 30 times the federal minimum hourly wage, whichever is greater; bankruptcy judge may authorize more for low-income debtors
Entire wages, if you received welfare during 2 months before filing
Motor vehicles to $2,500
Other Property
Appliances, furnishings, goods, clothing, books, crops, animals, musical instruments to $2,500 total
Bank deposits to $700
Cow, 2 goats, 10 sheep, 10 chickens, & feed to last 1 winter; 3 swarms of bees plus honey; 5 tons coal or 500 gal. heating oil, 10 cords of firewood; 500 gal. bottled gas; growing crops to $5,000; yoke of oxen or steers, plow & ox yoke; 2 horses with harnesses, halters, & chains
Jewelry to $500; wedding ring unlimited
Stove, heating unit, refrigerator, freezer, water heater, & sewing machines 
Wild Card
Unused exemptions for motor vehicle, tools of trade, jewelry, household furniture, appliances, clothing, & crops to $7,000 

more Vermont Bankruptcy Exemptions...

Virginia Bankruptcy Law - State Exemptions

Federal bankruptcy exemptions are not available in Virginia.
Must file homestead declaration before filing for bankruptcy
$5,000 plus $500 per dependent; rents & profits; sale proceeds exempt to $5,000 (husband & wife may double, unused portion of homestead may be applied to any personal property); if 65 or older, exemption is $10,000
Minimum 75% of weekly disposable earnings or 40 times the federal minimum hourly wage, whichever is greater; bankruptcy judge may authorize more for low-income debtors
Motor vehicle to $2,000 ($10,000 if needed for occupation or education)
Other Property
Clothing to $1,000
Family portraits & heirlooms to $5,000 total
Household furnishings to $5,000
Wedding and engagement rings
Tools, books, and instruments of trade, including motor vehicles, to $10,000, needed in your occupation or education
For farmer, pair of horses, or mules with gear; one wagon or cart, one tractor to $3,000; 2 plows & wedges; one drag, harvest cradle, pitchfork, rake; fertilizer to $1,000
Wild Card
Unused portion of homestead or personal property exemption
$10,000 of any property for disabled veterans

more Virginia Bankruptcy Exemptions...

Washington Bankruptcy Law - State Exemptions

In Washington, a debtor may choose State or Federal bankruptcy exemptions.

Real property, manufactured home, or mobile home to $125,000; unimproved property intended for residence to $15,000 (husband and wife may not double)
Minimum 75% of weekly disposable earnings or 30 times the federal minimum hourly wage, whichever is greater; bankruptcy judge may authorize more for low-income debtors
Motor vehicle to $2,500 total for individual (two vehicles to $5,000 for community)
Other Property
Appliances, furniture, household goods, home & yard equipment to $2,700 total for individual ($5,400 for community)
Books to $1,500
Burial plots sold by nonprofit cemetery association 68.20.120 Clothing, no more than $1,000 in furs, jewelry, ornaments
Food & fuel for comfortable maintenance 6.15.010(3)(a) Fire insurance proceeds for lost, stolen, or destroyed exempt property
Keepsakes & family pictures
Farmer's trucks, stock, tools, seed, equipment, & supplies to $5,000 total
Library, office furniture, office equipment, & supplies of physician, surgeon, attorney, clergy, or other professional to $5,000 total
Tools & materials used in any other trade to $5,000
Wild Card
$2,000 of any personal property (no more than $200 in cash, bank deposits, bonds, stocks, & securities)

more Washington Bankruptcy Exemptions...

West Virginia Bankruptcy Law - State Exemptions

Federal bankruptcy exemptions are not available in West Virginia.
Real or personal property used as residence to $25,000; unused portion of homestead may be applied to any property (husband & wife may double)
Minimum 30 times the federal minimum hourly wage per week; bankruptcy judge may authorize more for low-income debtors
Motor vehicle to $2,400
Other Property
Animals, crops, clothing, appliances, books, household goods, furnishings, musical instruments to $400 per item, $8,000 total
Burial plot to $25,000, in lieu of homestead
Jewelry to $1,000
Implements, books, & tools of trade to $1,500

Wild Card
$800 plus unused portion of homestead or burial exemption, of any property)

more West Virginia Bankruptcy Exemptions...

Wisconsin Bankruptcy Law - State Exemptions

In Wisconsin, a debtor may choose State or Federal bankruptcy exemptions.

Property you occupy or intend to occupy to $75,000; sale proceeds exempt for 2 years if you intend to purchase another home (husband & wife's exemption may double)
75% of weekly net income or 30 times the greater of the federal or state minimum hourly wage; bankruptcy judge may authorize more for lowincome debtors
Motor vehicles to $5,000 (husband & wife may double; unused portion of $12,000 personal property exemption may be added)
Other Property
Household goods and furnishings, clothing, keepsakes, jewelry, appliances, books, musical instruments, firearms, sporting goods, animals, and other tangible personal property to $12,000 total (husband & wife may double)
Deposit accounts to $5,000
Equipment, inventory, farm products, books, and tools of trade to $15,000 total.
Wild Card

more Wisconsin Bankruptcy Exemptions...

Wyoming Bankruptcy Law - State Exemptions

Federal bankruptcy exemptions are not available in Wyoming.
Real property you occupy to $10,000 or house trailer you occupy to $6,000 (joint owners may double)
Minimum 75% of disposable weekly earnings or 30 times the federal hourly minimum wage, whichever is more
Motor vehicle to $2,400
Other Property
Bedding, furniture, household articles, & food to $2,000 per person in the home
Clothing & wedding rings to $1,000
Library & implements of profession to $2,000 or tools, motor vehicle, implements, team & stock in trade to $2,000
Wild Card

more Wyoming Bankruptcy Exemptions...


Federal Bankruptcy Exemptions

United States Homestead Exemption
Real property, including co-op or mobile home, or burial plot to $21,625; unused portion of homestead to $10,825 may be applied to any property
None (see non-bankruptcy exemptions)
Motor vehicle to $3,450
Other Property
Animals, crops, clothing, appliances, books, furnishings, household goods, musical instruments to $550 per item, 11,525 total
Health aids
Jewelry to $1,450
Wild Card
Up to $10,825 of unused homestead exemption amount, for any property.
$1,150 of any property


choose your state to see detailed federal exemptions (if they are available in your state)

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